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Экстракорпоральная магнитная иннервация (ExMI™)

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Экстракорпоральная магнитная иннервация (ExMI™, Неоконтроль-терапия)


Терапия осуществляется прибором Neocontrol Neotonus производства компании Kitalpha, Германия.


Показания к лечению:

1.                Недержание:

А)  Недержание мочи и кала

Б)  Недержание мочи после радикальной простатэктомии

2.                Синдром хронической тазовой боли

3.                Хронический простатит

4.                Эректильная дисфункция

5.                Нарушение тонуса влагалища (3 недели после родов)

6.                Геморрой

7.                Нарушение оргазма, дисоргазмия

8.                Предупреждение перелома бедренной кости

Лечение посредством экстракорпоральной магнитной иннервации является полностью неинвазивным, нехирургическим, показано для пациентов любого возраста, не требует применения зондов и электродов, полностью консервативное и безболезненное.

На протяжении всей процедуры пациент остается одетым, расположенным сидя в кресле в удобном положении.

Неоконтроль-терапия обеспечивает нехирургическое, неинвазивное лечение для лечения недержания мочи и кала, мочи после радикальной простатэктомии, тазовых болей, эректильной дисфункции и других сексуальных расстройств, геморроя, атонии влагалища и многого другого с уникальными лечебными преимуществами. В отличие от любой другой терапии, Неоконтроль осуществляет лечебное воздействие на все мышцы тазового дна, восстанавливая силу, сократимость и выносливость мочеполовой диафрагмы и обеспечивая восстановление контроля над мочевым пузырем.

Неоконтроль-терапия основана на революционной технологии под названием экстракорпоральной магнитной иннервации (ExMI ™). Эта технология производит высокоинтенсивное целенаправленное пульсирующее магнитное поле. Вы сидите полностью одетыми в удобном кресле, позволяя лечебным волнам взаимодействовать с мышцами тазового дна. Эти мышцы сокращаются и расслабляются от каждого магнитного импульса с частотой 1 - 50 раз в секунду. Таким образом, мышца профессионально тренируется и развивается. Вам следует просто посидеть и отдохнуть.

Терапия совершенно безболезненна. Ничто, кроме кресла не соприкасается с Вами. Возможно, Вы будете ощущать небольшую вибрацию или прикосновения, сидя в кресле. Вы сможете чувствовать сокращения мышц тазового дна.

Сеанс длится около 20 минут, и обычно производится через день в кабинете врача. Обычно может быть улучшение уже после 6-8 сеансов. Максимальный результат во многих случаях будет достигнут после 20 сеансов.

Для некоторых пациентов данная терапия сможет излечить недержание полностью. Другим, возможно, придется повторять лечение периодически для поддержания мышечного контроля.

Это просто! И это эффективно!


* Противопоказания: беременность, металлические имплантаты (HIPS) и кардиостимуляторы. 

http://www.neocontrol.de/images/pt03.jpg http://www.neocontrol.de/images/pt02.jpg http://www.neocontrol.de/images/pt01.jpg

Лечение недержания 

 Неоконтроль является единственной стандартной терапией, принятой в ЕС при недержании мочи и фекальной инфектиненции. Если вы страдаете недержанием Вы знаете, как неприятно может быть. Если вы страдаете недержанием, вы не одиноки. Есть миллионы людей, страдающих вместе с вами.

Зачастую причина проблемы очень проста: слабость мышц тазового дна. Вы сможете тренировать их, следуя неинвазивным, безболезненным и удобным сеансам Неоконтроль-терапии.


 Неоконтроль по сравнению с другими методами лечения

Упражнения Кегеля самостоятельно и в сочетании с биологической обратной связью, а также электроимпульсная терапия требуют Вашей активной работы по изолированной дифференцировке и активной тренировке мышц тазового дна.

Электростимуляция тазового дна требует, чтобы электроды или зонд были установлены вагинально либо ректально и может быть болезненным и дискомфортным. Как правило, вы должны тренироваться 2 раза в день, по 20 минут, в течение не менее 6 месяцев. В то же время Неоконтроль совершенно не требует вашего участия. Сокращения мышц происходят более полноценно и интенсивно, чем при любом другом виде тренировок. Терапевтические магнитные поля только инициируют сокращение мышц.

Перед проведением процедур проконсультируйтесь с урологом или гинекологом!

http://www.neocontrol.de/images/certificat_us_mic.jpg http://www.neocontrol.de/images/certificat_ce1_mic.jpg http://www.neocontrol.de/images/certificat_ce2_mic.jpg


Принцип действия

Экстракорпоральная магнитная иннервация (ExMI) основана на принципе, описанном законом магнитной индукции Фарадея. В середине 1800-х годов, Фарадей показал, что сокращение мышц может быть вызвано применением изменяющегося во времени магнитного поля. ExMI-технология является высокоразвитой и сложной реализацией этого основного принципа и разработана, чтобы помочь врачам управлять сложной медицинской проблемой недержания мочи. 

ExMI технология работает путем создания целенаправленных, изменяющихся во времени магнитных полей, которые проникая глубоко в промежность вызывают сокращения мышц тазового дна счет активации двигательных нейронов. Формирование импульсов с крутым градиентом магнитного потока производятся рабочей головкой прибора. Эти поля проникают в промежность пациента и воздействуют на нервные окончания, вызывая в них формирование нервных импульсов физиологических параметров и заданной амплитуды и силы. Изменяющееся во времени магнитное поле создает электрический потенциал, и за счет этого потока ионов, или вихревого тока в тканях. Этот поток ионов приводит к деполяризации  потенциалов покоя мембраны двигательных нейронов. Когда пороговый потенциал достигается, потенциал действия инициируется для этого нейрона. Этот потенциал действия затем распространяется по естественным аксионным через Na + и K + ионные потоки. После того как эти импульсы достигают концевых моторных пластин, мускулатура тазового дна отвечает сокращением с частотой, соответствующей  частоте выходных импульсов рабочей головки прибора. Мышцы сокращаются и расслабляются при каждом импульсе. Если скорость выходного импульса превышает способность мышц сокращаться и расслабляться, то результатом будет постоянное или устойчивое сокращение мышц – тетаническое сокращение. 






Almeida FG, Bruschini H, Srougi M,: Urodynamic and Clinical Evaluation of 91 Female Patients with Urinary Incontinence Treated with Perineal Magnetic Stimulation: 1-Year Followup. The Journal of UrologyÒ, Volume 171, Number 4, April 2004 1571-1575 

Appell R, Bourcier AP and Torre F: In Pelvic Floor Dysfunction, Investigations and Conservative Treatment. Rome : Casa Editrice Scientifica Internationale, Chapter 12, 1999 

Bolukbas N, Vural M, Karan A, Yalcin O, Eskiyurt N. Effectiveness of functional magnetic versus electrical stimulation in women with urinary incontinence. Istanbul University. Europa Mediphysica 41 (4), 297. 

But I. Conservative Treatment of Female Urinary Incontinence With Functional Magnetic Stimulation. Department of Gynecology, Maribor Teaching Hospital, Maribor , Slovenia . Urology 61 (3) 2003, 558-561. 

Bycroft JA, Craggs MD, Sheriff M, Knight S, Shah PJ. Does magnetic stimulation of the sacral roots cause contraction or suppression of the bladder? Spinal Injuries Unit, Stanmore, Middlesex , UK . Neurourol Urodyn 2004;23(3):241-5. 

Carlan SJ, Russell H, Shelnutt J, Peppy T, Griggs B. Extracorporeal magnetic innervation (EXMI) therapy in the treatment of urinary incontinence in women: results from a single center. J Am Geriatr Soc 2000 Apr; 48(4): 456. 

Chandi DD, Groenendijk PM and Venema PL; Dept Urology, Leyenburg Hospital, The Hague, the Netherlands; Functional Extracorporeal magnetic stimulation as a treatment for female urinary incontinence: 'the chair'; British Journal of Urology, Volume 93.4, March 2004. 

Chen SY; Lin FS; Shen KH; Chen KC; Xiang P. College of Nursing, Chungtai Institute of Health Sciences and Technology, Taiwan. Non-invasive therapeutics in female urinary incontinence by extracorporeal magnetic innervation (ExMI). Hu Li Za Zhi 2005; 52(3):53-8. 

Culligan P, Blackwell L, Murphy M, Ziegler C, Heit M; University of Louisville Department of Urogynecology and Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery: A randomized, double-blinded, sham-controlled trial of postpartum extracorporeal magnetic innervation to restore pelvic muscle strength in primiparous patients. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology May 2005 (192) 5. 

Dorey G, Speakman MJ, Feneley RCL, Swinkels A, Dunn, CDR. Somerset Nuffield Hospital Taunton & University of the West of England, Bristol, UK. Pelvic floor exercises for erectile dysfunction. BJU International 2005; 96, 595-97. 

Fujishiro T, Enomoto H, Ugawa Y, Takahashi S, Ueno S and Kitamura T: Magnetic stimulation of the sacral roots for the treatment of stress incontinence: an investigational study and placebo controlled trial. J Urol 164: 1277, 2000 

Fujishiro T, Takahashi S, Enomoto H, Ugawa Y, Ueno S and Kitamura T: Magnetic stimulation of the sacral roots for the treatment of urinary frequency and urge incontinence: An investigational study and placebo controlled trial. J Urol.168(3): 1036-1039, Sept 2002. 

Galloway NTM, El-Galley RES, Sand PK, Appell RA, Russell HW and Carlan SJ: Extracorporeal magnetic therapy for stress urinary incontinence. Urology 53(6): 1108-1111, 1999 (also AUA presentation Dallas 1999) 

Galloway NTM, El-Galley RES, Sand PK , Appell RA, Russell HW and Carlan SJ: Update on extracorporeal magnetic innervation (ExMI) therapy for stress incontinence. Urology, 56: 82, 2000 

Goldberg RP. Galloway, NTM. Sand PK. Extracorporeal Electromagnetic Stimulation Therapy. Chapter 30 Pelvic Floor Disorders, Bourcier A. McGuire E. Abrams P. Elsevier Saunders copyright 2004. 291-296 

Goldberg RP and Sand PK : Electromagnetic Pelvic Floor Stimulation: Applications for the Gynecologist Obstetrical and Gynecological Survey 55 (11): 715-20, 2000 

Goldberg RP and Sand PK : Electromagnetic pelvic floor stimulation for urinary incontinence and bladder disease Int Urogynecol J 2001 12: 401-404 

Ishikawa N, Suda S, Sasaki T et al Development of a non-invasive treatment system for urinary incontinence using a functional continuous magnetic stimulator. Med Biol Eng Comput 1998; 36: 704-710 

Kim JW, Kim MJ, Noh JY, Lee HY, and Han SW. Extracorporeal pelvic floor magnetic stimulation in children with voiding dysfunction. Urological Science Institute, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. BJU International 95, 1310-1313, 2005. 

Kirschner-Hermanns R; Jakse G. Magnet stimulation therapy: A simple solution for the treatment of stress and urge incontinence? Urologische Klinik, Universitatsklinikum, RWTH Aachen . Urologe A 2003 Jun; 42(6):819-22. 

Lin VW, Wolfe V, Frost F, Perkash I. Micturition by Functional Magnetic Stimulation. VA Palo Alto Health Care System, Palo Alto, CA, USA. Jour Spinal Cord Medicine, 20(2) 1997. 

McFarlane JP, Foley SJ, de Winter P, Shah PJ and Craggs MD: Acute suppression of idiopathic detrusor instability with magnetic stimulation for urinary incontinence. Br J Urol 80: 734, 1997 

O'Sullivan R; Dunkley P; Moore K; Allen W. Efficacy of Extracorporeal magnetic innervation for women with stress urinary incontinence. Australian and New Zealand Continence Journal, November 2003, 9, 90-91. 

Paick JS, Lee SC, Ku JH; Seoul National University College of Medicine, Korea. More effects of extracorporeal magnetic innervation and terazosin therapy than terazosin therapy alone for non-inflammatory chronic pelvic pain syndrome: a pilot study. Prostate Cancer and Prostate Diseases (2006) 9, 261-65. 

Quek P. Department of Urology, Changi General Hospital, Singapore. A critical review on magnetic stimulation: what is its role in the management of pelvic floor disorders? Curr Opin Urol. 2005; 15(4):231-5. 

Rowe E; Smith C; Laverick L; Elkabir J; Witherow RO; Patel A: Department of Urology, St. Mary's Hospital, London, United Kingdom. A prospective, randomized, placebo controlled, double-blind study of pelvic electromagnetic therapy for the treatment of chronic pelvic pain syndrome with 1 year of followup. J Urol 2005 Jun; 173(6):2044-7. 

Sandri SD, De Francesco O, Sommariva M, Confalonieri S, Nervi S, Zanollo L (Unita Operativa di Urologia e Unita Spinale, Ospedale "G. Fornaroli," Magenta Italy). "Trattamento dell'incontinenza urinaria femminile con stimolazione magnetica perineale: risultati preliminari." Urologia Vol. 72, No. 1 2005. pp. 107-110. 

Sheriff MK, Shah PJ, Fowler C, Mundy AR and Craggs MD: Neuromodulation of detrusor hyper-reflexia by functional magnetic stimulation of the sacral nerve roots. Br J Urol, 78: 39, 1996 

Takahishi S; Kitamura T. Overactive bladder: Magnetic versus electrical stimulation. Department of Urology, Faculty of Medicine, Tokyo University , Japan . Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol 2003 Oct; 15(5):429-33. 

Thornton MJ, Kennedy ML, Lubowski DZ. Extracorporeal Magnetic Stimulation of the Pelvic Floor: Impact on Anorectal Function and Physiology. A Pilot Study. St. George Hospital, New South Wales, Australia. Dis Colon Rectum, October 2005. pp. 1945-1950. 

Ünsal A.; Saglam R.; Cimentepe E. Extracorporeal magnetic stimulation for the treatment of stress and urge incontinence in women. Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology, September 2003, vol. 37, iss. 5, pp. 424-428(5) 

Yamanishi T, Yasuda K, Suda S and Ishikawa N: Effect of functional continuous magnetic stimulation on urethral closure in healthy volunteers. Urology 54: 652- 655, 1999 

Yamanishi T, Yasuda K, Sakakibara R, Suda S, Ishikawa N, Hattori T and Hosaka H. Induction of Urethral closure and Inhibition of Bladder Contraction by Continuous Magnetic Stimulation NeuroUrology and Urodynamics 1999, 18:505-510 

Yamanishi T, Yasuda K Suda S, Ishikawa N, Sakakibara R and Hattori T: Effect of functional continuous magnetic stimulation for urinary incontinence. J Urol, 163(2): 456, 2000 

Yamanishi T, Sakakibara R, Uchiyama T, Suda S, Hattori T, Ito H and Yasuda K: Comparative study of the effects of magnetic versus electrical stimulation on inhibition of detrusor over-activity. Urology 56: 777-781, 2000 

Yokoyama T; Nishiguchi J; Watanabe T; Nose H; Nozaki K; Fujita O; Inoue M; Kumon H; Dept. of Urology, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine and Dentistry, Okayama Japan. Comparative study of effects of extracorporeal magnetic innervation versus electrical stimulation for urinary incontinence after radical Prostatectomy, Urology 2004 Feb;63(2):264-7 

Yokoyama T; Fujita O; Nishiguchi J; Nozaki K; Hiroyuki N; Inoue M; Ozawa H; Kumon H. Extracorporeal magnetic innervation treatment for urinary incontinence. International Journal of Urology, August 2004, 11, 602-606. 

Yokoyama T; Inoue M; Fujita O; Nozaki K; Nose H; Kumon H. Preliminary results of the effect of Extracorporeal magnetic stimulation on urinary incontinence after radical prostatectomy: a pilot study. Department of Urology, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine and Dentistry, Okayama , Japan . Urol Int 2005; 74(3): 224-8. 

ExMI Доклады и иные публикации: 

Almeida F Does Urodynamic Change Correlate with Clinical Improvements after External Perineal Magnetic Stimulation Treatment? Abstract presented ICS Tampere, Finland 2000 

Bailie D, Carter T, Mahon K. Pilot study using Extracorporeal Magnetic Innervation (ExMI) to Reduce Pain Associated with Lateral Epicondylitis. The Orthopedic Clinic Physical Therapy, Tempe , Arizona , USA . 

Bavendam T, Braddon L, Carlan S, Sand P, Appell R and El-Galley R: Impact of Extracorporeal Magnetic Innervation (ExMI) on Quality of Life in the treatment of stress urinary incontinence Abstract AUA Presentation Atlanta 2000 

Bruschini H, Almeida F and Srougi M: Assessment of Extracorporeal Magnetic Innervation (ExMI) as a first line treatment for Female patients with Urinary incontinence. San Paolo , Brazil . Presented ICS 2001, Korea Abstract #332 

Bruschini H, Almeida F and Srougi M: Urodynamic-based analysis of females receiving Extracorporeal Magnetic Innervation (ExMI) therapy for the treatment of Urinary Incontinence San Paolo, Brazil Abstract submitted to AUA, 2001 Anaheim , CA 

Bruschini H, Almeida F, Srougi M, Universidade Federal De Sao Paulo Brazil : Is there a role for urodynamics test on conservative treatment? 

Cardozo L, Schuessler B, Nicastro A, Schaeffer W and Bourcier A: Extracorporeal Magnetic Innervation (ExMI) for treatment of urinary incontinence in a population of European patients (Double blind randomized, placebo controlled #49) Abstract submitted to AUA, 2001 Anaheim , CA 

Carlan SJ, Bhullar A: Impact of Extracorporeal Magnetic Innervation (ExMI) on symptoms of incontinence - 2.9 years after initial treatment. Poster at American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists District IV Annual Meeting Asheville NC October 2000; International Bladder Symposium Washington DC 2001 

Charlton K and Lipsitz D: Impact of a Physical Medicine Program with Extracorporeal Magnetic Innervation(ExMI) on Pelvic Floor Function and Incontinence Symptoms Abstract presented APTA Annual Meeting San Antonio, TX 2001 

Choi HJ, Choe JH, Han DH, Lee KS, Department of Urology, Samsung Medical Center: Extracorporeal Magnetic Stimulation for the Treatment of Overactive Bladder Symptoms. 

Colin M and Bernstein S: Pilot Study using Extracorporeal Magnetic Innervation(ExMI) to reduce pain associated with Rheumatic Diseases American College of Rheumatology, Philadelphia 2000 (Also see this resource.) 

Culligan P, Blackwell L, Murphy M, Ziegler C, Heit M, University of Louisville Department of Urogynecology and Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery: A Blinded, Sham-Controlled Trial of Postpartum Extracorporeal Magnetic Innervation to Restore Pelvic Muscle Strength in Primiparous Patients. 

Dunkley P, Morris AR, O'Sullivan R, Allen W and Moore KH Idiopathic detrusor instability- a double blind randomized controlled trial of Electromagnetic stimulation versus sham therapy. Presented at Australasian Urology Society Meeting , Queensland Australia March 2001 

Dunkley P, Morris AR, O'Sullivan R, Allen W and Moore KH Idiopathic detrusor instability- a double blind randomized controlled trial of Electromagnetic stimulation versus sham therapy. Presented ICS 2002, Heidelberg Germany , Abstract# 227 

Fujita O, Yokoyama M, Nibeno H, Nishoguchi J Nozaki K Kumon H Watanabe Y and Ozawa H: Investigation of Magnetic Stimulation Therapy for Stress Urinary Incontinence and Urge Incontinence (#10) Japanese Urology Association Abstract 

Gammonley J. A Review of Extracorporeal Magnetic Innervation Therapy Outcomes in Older Females with Urinary Incontinence. National Multi-Specialty Conference on Urinary Incontinence, SUNA January 2000 

Gilling PJ, Kennett KM, Bell D and Fraundorfer MR: Extracorporeal magnetic stimulation (ExMI) versus sham treatment for female genuine stress incontinence. A randomized trial. Eur. Urology 39: abstract 287, 2001 ( New Zealand #70 patients) 

Gruenwald I, Gertman I, Sprecher E and Vardi Y: The Efficacy of Extracorporeal Magnetic Innervation (ExMI) in the treatment of stress and urge incontinence with subjective and objective parameters, Haifa, Israel (#33) April 2001 Presented at XVI Congress of the European Association of Urology Geneva, Switzerland 

Kennett KM and Bell D: A Prospective Study of the Effectiveness of Extracorporeal Magnetic Innervation (ExMI) for the Treatment of Stress Urinary Incontinence in Women. Presented at Annual Meeting of Society of Urology Nurses and Associates, Atlanta 2000 

Kim ST, Han DH, Choe JH, Lee K, Department of Urology, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine: Extracorporeal Magnetic Stimulation for the Treatment of Overactive Bladder. 

Kirschner-Hermanns R, Kahle C, Jaske G. Single center experience with Extracorporeal Magnetic Innervation, or ExMI, treating stress-, urge incontinence and pelvic pain symptoms. Presented ICS 2006 Christchurch. Abstract #452. 

Kirschner-Hermanns R, Schafer W and Jakse G: Extracorporeal Magnetic Innervation Therapy (ExMI) for the treatment of incontinence and pelvic pain syndrome - FACT OR FICTION Presented ICS 2002 Heidelberg Germany , Abstract # 429 

Lee SJ, KW Lee. Extracorporeal Magnetic Innervation Therapy [EXMI] for the treatment of urinary incontinence: 200 consecutive cases. Kangbuk Samsung Hospital , Sungkyunkwon University school of medicine. ICS 2001 Abstract. 

Lee Y, Park W, Yoon J, Samsung Cheil Hospital, Sungkyunkwan University, Inha University: Treatment of Stress Urinary Incontinence and Idiopathic Overactive Bladder by Functional Magnetic Stimulation: Six months follow-up. 

Madersbacher H, Pilloni S, University Hospital Innsbruck: Efficacy of Extracorporeal Magnetic Innervation Therapy (EXMI) in comparison to standard therapy for Stress, Urge and Mixed Incontinence: A randomized Prospective trial. 

Min K, Choi J, Choi C, Choi S, Pusan Paik Hospital: Time Effect of Extracorporeal Magnetic Innervation Therapy in Stress Urinary Incontinence. 

Moorthy P, Lim PHC and Queck P: Extracorporeal Magnetic Innervation (ExMI) of the pelvic floor: Therapeutic efficiency in Female stress urinary incontinence. 2nd Scientific Meeting of Asian Society for Female Urology Hong Kong Aug 2000 

Nehra A, Rovner E, Wein A, Lange P, Keane T and McCammon K: Interim Analysis of a Multi-Center study of Extracorporeal Magnetic Innervation (ExMI) for the treatment of Urinary Incontinence following Radical prostatectomy (Randomized cross-over design #22 of 60) Presented EAU Geneva, Switzerland April 2001 

Neumann B and Cope S Use of Extracorporeal Magnetic Innervation (ExMI) to complement a Non-Surgical Therapy Program for Treatment of Urinary Incontinence Abstract presented SUNA New Orleans, LA 2001 and AOTA Philadelphia, PA 2001 

O'Sullivan R, Lynch W, Allen W and Moore K: Detrusor Instability; the acute effects of Extracorporeal Magnetic Innervation (ExMI) Sydney , Australia . Abstract submitted to AUA, Anaheim CA , 2001 

O'Sullivan R, Lynch W, Allen W and Moore K: Extracorporeal Magnetic Innervation (ExMI) for the treatment of detrusor instability Sydney , Australia (#10 clinical study) 

Patel A, Rowe E and Laverick L: A prospective randomized placebo-controlled double-blinded study of electromagnetic therapy in the treatment of Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome in Men London UK (#20 men with pelvic pain) Presented IBS March 2001 Washington DC and EAU April 2001, Geneva, Switzerland 

Perez-Martinez C, Vargas-Diaz IB, Cisneros Castolo M. Increase of sexual performance in women under extracorporeal magnetic innervation as therapy for urinary incontinence. Centro de Urología Avanzada, Cd. Delicias, Chihuahua, México. J Sex Med 2004; suppl.1; Abstract MP108, p 94 

Perianan M, Chye H and Peter L: Efficiency of Extracorporeal magnetic Innervation (ExMI) in Urinary Incontinence: A symptomatic Assessment Presented ICS Congress 2002, Heidelberg Germany , Abstract # 435 

Sand P, Appell R, Bavendam T, Whitmore K and Carlan S: Factors influencing Success with Extracorporeal Magnetic Innervation (ExMI) treatment of Mixed Urinary Incontinence. International Bladder Symposium Washington DC November 1999 

Shishido K, Yoshimura Y, Tsuruya Y, Nomiya M and Yamaguchi O Experience with Extracorporeal Magnetic Innervation (ExMI) Therapy in Stress Incontinence Japanese Urology Association Abstract 2002 

Shobeiri SA, Chesson RR, Echols KT, Beech S and Hoyte L: Evaluation of Extracorporeal Magnetic Innervation (ExMI) for the treatment of Fecal Incontinence New Orleans LA (#19 with fecal incontinence) ICS Seoul, Korea 2001 # 324 

Ugur Sayli, Remzi Saglam, Sinan Avci, Halil Dogruel. Extracorporeal Magnetik Innervation (ExMI) Application In Painful Heel Syndrome - Early Results. Fatih University Medical Faculty, Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Ankara . 

Unsal A, Saglam R and Cimentepe E: Clinical Efficacy of Extracorporeal Magnetic Innervation (ExMI) on Frequency, Urgency and Urinary Incontinence Ankara Turkey Abstract ICS 2002 Heidelberg Germany . 

Urology Department of Fukushima University Hospital , Japan . Flow Volume Chart Analysis of Effect for Extracorporeal Magnetic Innervation (ExMI) for Stress Urinary Incontinence Treatment for Female Patients. Presented at JUA 2004 Meeting. 

Voorham P, Pelger R, Stiggelbout A, Elzevier H, Venema P, Jong de C, Wolterbeek R, Lycklama A, Nijeholt G. Effects of Extracorporeal Magnetic Innervation in the Treatment of Urinary Incontinence, Defecation Problems and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction. Presented at the ICS 2005 meeting in Montreal, Quebec Canada. 

Wolff WL Ouslander JG Experience with Extracorporeal Magnetic Innervation Therapy (ExMI) for Urinary Incontinence in an Assisted Living Facility. Abstract and Presentation The American Geriatric Society Annual Meeting, Nashville 2000 

Yoon M, Moon H, Chuing W and Park YY: The early Experience of Extracorporeal Magnetic Innervation Therapy in Overactive Bladder. Abstract # 227, ICS Congress 2001 Seoul , Korea. 

Non-ExMI Исследования по магнитостимуляции: 

Bannaga A, Guo T, Ouyang X, Hu D, Lin C, Cao F, Dun Y and Guo Z: ( China ) A comparative study of the effects of magnetic stimulation and electrical stimulation on peripheral nerve injury in rat (#30 rats) J Tonghi Med Univ 2001; 21(2): 159-62 

Bassett C. Beneficial Effects of Electromagnetic Fields. Bioelectric Research Center , Columbia University , New York , USA . Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 51:387-393 (1993). 

Battocletti JH, Macias MY, Pintar FA, Maiman DJ and Sutton CH A box coil for the stimulation of biological tissue and cells in vitro and in vivo by pulsed magnetic fields IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 2000 Mar; 47(3): 402-8 

Chang C, Lien I. Tardy effect of neurogenic muscle atrophy by magnetic stimulation. National Taiwan University School of Medicine, Taipei , Taiwan . Amer Jour Phys Med & Rehab 73(4) July/Aug 1994. 

Dawson TW, Caputa K and Stuchly MA: A comparison of 60Hz uniform magnetic and electric induction in the human body. Phys Med Biol 02/1998 42(12): 2319-29 

Dhawan SK, Conti SF, Towers J, Abidi NA, Vogt M. The effect of pulsed electromagnetic fields on hindfoot arthrodesis: a prospective study. Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Interfaith Medical Center , Brooklyn , NY , USA . J Foot Ankle Surg 2004 Mar-Apr; 43(2):93-6. 

Публикации по магнитостимуляции: 

Garland D, Adkins R, Matsuno N, Stewart C. The Effect of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields on Osteoporosis at the Knee in Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury. Rancho Los Amigos Medical Center , Downey , California , USA . Jour Spinal Cord Medicine, 22(4) Winter 1999. 

Hanai T, Matsumoto S, Sugiyama T, Kurita T, Akiyama T, Department of Urology, Kinki University School of Medicine, Department of Urology Sakai Hospital: Examination of a Lumbosacral Nerve root stimulation with surface magnetic coil against overactive bladder. 

Hausmann A, Marksteiner J, Hinterhuber H and Humpel C: Magnetic stimulation induces c-fos via tetrodotoxin-sensitive sodium channels in organotypic cortex brain slices of the rat. Neurosci Lett 2001 Sep 14; 310(2-3): 105-8 

Jenis LG, An HS, Stein R and Young B Prospective comparison of the effect of direct current electrical stimulation and pulsed electromagnetic fields on instrumented posterolateral lumbar arthrodesis J Spinal Disord 11/2000; 13 (4): 290-6 

Laghi F, Harrison MJ and Tobin MJ Comparison of magnetic and electrical phrenic nerve stimulation in assessment of diaphragmatic contractility J Appl Physiol 12/1996 80(5): 1731-41 

Lee E, Byun S, Kim JH, Yeo W, Seoul National University Hospital: Impact of Magnetic Fields on the Growth of Cancer Cell Lines of Genitourinary System. 

Liboff AR and Jenrow KA Physical mechanisms in neuro-electromagnetic therapies NeuroRehabilitation 2002; 17(1): 9-22 

Lin VW, Hsiao IN, Zhu E and Perkash I Functional magnetic stimulation for conditioning of expiratory muscles in patient with spinal cord injury (#8 men with high SCI) Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2001 Feb; 82(2):162-6 

Lin VW, Nino-Murcia M, Frost F, Wolfe V, Hsiao I and Perkash I Functional magnetic stimulation of the colon in persons with spinal cord injury Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2001 Feb;82(2): 167-73 

Lin VW, Singh H, Chitkara RK and Perkash I Functional magnetic stimulation for restoring cough in patients with tetraplegia (#13 men with high SCI)) Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1998 May; 79(5): 517-22 

Luo YM, Johnson LC, Polkey MI, Harris M, Lyall RA, Green M and Moxham J Diaphragm electromyogram measured with unilateral magnetic stimulation Eur Respir J 1999 Feb; 13(2): 385-90 

Mador MJ, Khan S and Kufel TJ Bilateral anterolateral magnetic stimulation of the phrenic nerves can detect diaphragmatic fatigue (#12 healthy subjects) Chest 2002 Feb; 121(2): 452-8 

Olney RK, So YT,Goodwin DS and Aminoff MJ: A Comparison of Magnetic and Electrical Stimulation of Peripheral Nerves Muscle and Nerve 13: 957-963 1990 

Pawluk W. Pain Management with Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields. 

Polkey MI, Luo Y, Guleria R, Hamnegard CH, Green M, Moxham J Functional magnetic stimulation of the abdominal muscles in humans (#9 normal subjects)Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1999 Aug;160(2):513-22 

Roth B, Cohen L, Hallet M. The Electric Field Induced During Magnetic Stimulation. From Magnetic Motor Stimulation: Basic Principles and Clinical Experience. © 1991, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda , MD , USA . 

Ruohonen J, Ravazanni P, Grandori F and Ilmoniemi RJ Theory of multi-channel magnetic stimulation: toward functional neuromuscular rehabilitation IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 1999 Jun; 46(6): 646-51 

Satow Y, Matsunami K Kawashima T, Satake H and Huda K: A strong constant magnetic field affects muscle tension development in bullfrog neuromuscular preparations. Bioelectromagnetics 2001 Jan; 22(1): 53-9 

Shafik A: Effect of Magnetic stimulation on the Contractile Activity of the Rectum in the Dog Eur Surg Res 1998; 30: 268-272 

Shafik A. Magnetic stimulation: A novel method for inducing evacuation of the neuropathic rectum and urinary bladder in a canine model Urology 1999; 54: 368-72 

Suzuki T, Yasuda K, Yamanishi T, Kitahara S, Nakai H, Yamashita T, Sato R, Suda S, Okhawa H, Koshigaya Dokkyo University School of Medicine: A Cross-Over Study for Evaluation of Functional Continual Magnetic Stimulation in Patients with Urinary Incontinence on Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercise. ICS 2004: Paris , France . 

Suzuki T, Yasuda K, Suda S, Shibuya H, Yamanishi T, Kitahara S, Nakai H, Tatsumiya K, Yamashita T, Koshigaya Hospital , Dokkyo University School of Medicine, Nihon Koden: Therapeutic outcomes of functional continuous magnetic stimulation (FCMS) combined with pelvic floor muscle exercise (PFME) in urinary incontinence. ICS 2003: Florence , Italy .

Trock DH Electromagnetic fields and magnets: Investigational treatment for musculo-skeletal disorders Rheum Dis Clin North Am 2000 Feb; 26(1): 51-62, vii 

Tyshkevich TG and Nikita V Magnetic and electrical stimulation in the rehabilitative treatment of patients with organic lesions of the nervous system (#89 treated, #49 controls) Neurosci Behav Physiol 1998 Sep-Oct; 28(5): 594-7 

Vauhnik R and But I: Magnetic Therapy in the treatment of women with urinary incontinence - a prospective, randomized double blind study. 

Watanabe H, Saito T, Ogawa R and Okamura A ( Japan ) Possible complications of magnetic coil stimulation in living tissue: assessment of changes in epiphyseal cartilage. J Orthop Sci 1998; 3(1): 27-31 

Wefer B, Reitz A, Knapp P, Bannowsky A, Juenemann K, Schurch B, University Hospital Balgrist Spinal Cord Injury Center , Neuro-Urology: Influence of a Preceding Somatosensory Pudendal Stimulation on Magnetic Evoked External Urethral Sphincter Contraction Is Depending on its Time Interval. ICS 2004: Paris, France. 

Weintraub M. Magnetotherapy: Historical Background with a Stimulating Future. New York Medical College , USA . Critical Reviews in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 16(2): 95-108 (2004). 

Weintraub M, Cole S. Pulsed Magnetic Field Therapy in Refractory Neuropathic Pain Secondary to Peripheral Neuropathy: Electrodiagnostic Parameters - Pilot Study. New York Medical College , USA . Neurorehabil Neural Repair 2004; 18:42-4



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